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Fishing times

Fishing is available Monday to Sunday - Dawn til Dusk

Contact info

For any questions, please give us a call on 07771921742, 01971511255 or 07873808797. Alternatively email

Getting here

By Car

To reach these distinctive parts of the world take the A9 north from Inverness to the Tore roundabout.

From here there is a choice of the east coast or the west coast route to continue the journey, both are through stunning scenery but the east coast route is about 30 minutes shorter.

The shortest route follows the A9 to its junction with the B9176 over Struie Hill to Bonar Bridge and then follows the A836 through Lairg.

At a point about 2 miles north of Lairg turn west on to the A838 and from here, the stunning scenery guides you pass Loch Shin, the mountains of Ben Stack, Arkle and Fionaven, before reaching Laxford Bridge. Turn north once more and head for Durness

The west coast route, although longer, also passes through superb scenery.

From Tore go west on the A835 towards Garve and then on to Ullapool and remain on the A835 until you reach Ledmore Junction.

There you turn north on to the A837 driving via Scourie to Laxford Bridge and on to Durness the most north westerly point on British mainland and the turning point of the road network.