Loch Caladail

Loch Caladail

General description

Loch Caladail is a brown trout loch, formed in the 1920's and is shallow with clear water with boat and bank fishing available. A good size loch of 25 ha (62 acres) lying at an altitude of 36m largely shallow at between 1.5 to 3m in depth. The loch has Excellent trout averaging over 2 lbs, with a few fish of over 4 lbs caught each year. Best fishing is in the late evening and through the night in the summer months. The best results come from single dry fly imitations of sedge and midge pupa (e.g. Balloon Caddis, Shipmans Buzzer, CDC emergers in sizes 18 to 12) or deep nymphs on long leaders (e.g. weighted Montana Nymphs in size 10 or 12 on a 20ft leader). The trout on Loch Caladail are hard to catch.


The loch is populated by a good head of wild brown trout only


Fly only. Light lines with long leaders

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